Music for the Gu Worship Ceremony Ban Khon Sawan, Khon Sawan District, Chaiyaphum Province


  • Piyanan Nawkamdee Bachelor of Education in Music Program, Faculty of Education, Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University
  • Wutthisit Jeerakamon Graduated in Music Program, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University
  • Wikornkit Inchan Bachelor of Art in Music Program, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University
  • Jarernchai Sangaroon Bachelor of Art in Music Program, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University
  • Sakuna Pantura Bachelor of Art in Music Program, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University


Ku ceremony, rituals, ceremonial music


Music in the Gu Worship Ceremony at Ban Khon Sawan, Khon Sawan District, Chaiyaphum Province The purpose of this study is to investigate the history of the Gu Worship Ceremony, the music used in the ceremony, and the role of the ceremony in the community. The informants for this research included local experts, practitioners, and general community members, selected through purposive sampling. The research tools used were interviews and observation guides. Data were collected from documents and fieldwork and analyzed according to the research objectives. The findings are presented in a descriptive and analytical format. The research findings are as follows: 1. History of the Gu Worship Ceremony: The Gu Worship Ceremony at Ban Khon Sawan, Khon Sawan District, Chaiyaphum Province, is a ritual passed down through generations. It involves honoring the spirits of ancestors believed to dwell at Non Gu. These spirits are thought to include "Phi Uppahat" or "Pujao Non," as well as other spirits responsible for safeguarding valuable items stored in the area. 2. Music Used in the Ceremony: The musical instruments used in the Gu Worship Ceremony include the khaen (a traditional bamboo mouth organ), klong thon (a traditional drum), and khong (a gong). Songs performed during the ceremony include "Lai Nok Saew Bin Soen" and "Lai Soeng Bang Fai." 3. Role of the Ceremony in the Community: The Gu Worship Ceremony plays two key roles in the community of Ban Khon Sawan: Spiritual Role: It reinforces spiritual beliefs and the connection to ancestral spirits. Social Role: It fosters unity and strengthens the bonds among community members.

Keywords: Ku ceremony, rituals, ceremonial music


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How to Cite

Nawkamdee, P., Jeerakamon, W., Inchan, W., Sangaroon, J., & Pantura, S. (2024). Music for the Gu Worship Ceremony Ban Khon Sawan, Khon Sawan District, Chaiyaphum Province. Chophayom Journal, 35(3), 182–206. retrieved from