Traditional Thai Massage Occupation of Visually Impaired People : Study the Case of the Ministerial Regulations on Registration as a Service Provider in a Health Establishments, B.E. 2560


  • Kwanchai Attano Kalasin Police Investigation Sub-Divition, Kalasin Provincial Police


Ministerial Regulations, Traditional Thai massage Occupation, Visually impaired


This research was aimed to study Traditional Thai Massage occupation of visually impaired people on registration as a service provider in a health establishments. By studying and analyzing the provisions of The Health Establishment Act, B.E.2559 and The Ministerial Regulations on registration as a service provider in a health establishments, B.E. 2560. Due to The Health Establishment Act, B.E.2559 stipulates that the operation of a healthy business establishment is standardized, in order to promote public health and protect consumers. Who wish to perform their duties as a service provider in a health establishment, must submit an application for service provider registration in accordance with the rules, procedures and conditions in The Ministerial Regulations on registration as a service provider in a health establishment, B.E. 2560, which is effective for the general public, not applicable to any specific cases or persons. Therefore, visually impaired persons, who wish to perform their duties as service providers in health establishments, must comply with the requirements regarding the rules, procedures and the period of the ministerial regulations, the same as those of normal vision. From the analysis, it was found that there were many problems and obstacles. Such as the impact of the law, the location to apply for registration and the problems of accessing information. The author has proposed solutions to the problem to provide the services of government officials or agencies are appropriate and consistent with the current social situation. This will facilitate and reduce the burden for the visually impaired to register as a service provider in health establishments to be more appropriate.


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How to Cite

Attano, K. (2020). Traditional Thai Massage Occupation of Visually Impaired People : Study the Case of the Ministerial Regulations on Registration as a Service Provider in a Health Establishments, B.E. 2560 . Governance Journal, 9(2), 212–244. Retrieved from



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