Factors Affecting the Promotion of Agriculture Household Income in Chaiyaphum Province


  • Sompong Suwannaphuma Chaiyaphum Rajabhat University
  • Siriporn Phungphet Chaiyaphum Rajabhat University
  • Luckhana Suksai Chaiyaphum Rajabhat University


Public Service Organization, Agricultural Household, Chaiyaphum Province


This research aims to 1) to study the factors that have an influence on the income promotion of the agricultural households in Chaiyaphum and 2) to guideline for the development of income promotion of the agricultural household sector in Chaiyaphum Province. The researcher used the integrated research between qualitative and quantitative method to answer the objectives.  In quantitative method, the sample consisted of 400 people and target group in the interview, 15 people analyzed the data with a computer. By using statistical software packages for social science research by presenting in a table using the average statistics and standard deviation Multiple regression analysis using hierarchical variable selection method. For qualitative method, in-depth interview is used in this research. Analyze data within Induction analysis and content analysis. The research found that factors Influencing Income Promotion of Agricultural Households in Chaiyaphum Province was found that the average household income of the X3, households the household debt burden X5, the number of household dependents X4, Regarding the work status of household heads X2, Residential area of household X6, The number of household members X1, all 6 factors that influence the income of the agricultural households. Significantly at the .05 level, predictions can be written in the standard scores as follows: 15.255ZX3 + 19.441ZX515.124ZX4 + 4.091ZX23.447ZX6 + 3.832ZX1. Development guidelines for income promotion of agricultural households in Chaiyaphum Province. Provincial Agricultural Extension Center should solve the problems of debt, promote savings Produce agricultural costs Create revenue - expenses. Promoting community development, creating village fund projects to have an income from household farming. Local Administrative Organization Establish a household industry plant vegetables Agricultural food processing established more agricultural funds In reducing costs but increasing household income by growing household vegetables Training on household savings. Provincial Agricultural Extension Office Make money from doing sufficiency economy. Then transformed to make money for consumption in the community Establish village funds to create careers after agriculture.


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How to Cite

Suwannaphuma, S., Phungphet, S., & Suksai, L. (2020). Factors Affecting the Promotion of Agriculture Household Income in Chaiyaphum Province . Governance Journal, 9(2), 357–379. Retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/gjournal-ksu/article/view/245344



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