Social context and cultural identity changes of the Thaiyho ethnic group Ban Sang Badal Sang Badal Subdistrict, Somdet District, Kalasin Province.


  • Sopon Mulha Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Kalasin University.
  • Pornpimon Pimkaew Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Kalasin University.


Social context; Ethnicity; Change; Preserving cultural identity


The objectives of this research are: 1) to study the social context of the Thai Yho ethnic group, 2) to study the changes and causes of lifestyle changes of the Thai Yho ethnic group, 3) to study ways to preserve the cultural identity of the Thai Yho ethnic group.A sample of 30 key contributors aged 50 years or older. Collect data by in-depth interviews. Analyze the information obtained from the interview. It uses relevant theories and research as a guide to analyze data. The results showed that the Thai Yho ethnic group migrated from Khammoon town to live in Sang Badal subdistrict. Somdet District, Kalasin Province Geographically, they live near water bodies for farming and consumption. Economic conditions primarily engaged in farming. Social and cultural conditions are shared societies. There is a simple well-being. Culturally, the 12 Cong 14 lifestyle has changed in terms of food, language, dress, culture, traditions, lifestyle, gender roles, and homebuilding, caused by globalization and national development. This has resulted in new lifestyle modifications. As part of the inheritance approach, the traditional way of life that is the practice of the Thai Yho ethnic group is preserved in society.


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How to Cite

Mulha, S., & Pimkaew, P. . . . (2022). Social context and cultural identity changes of the Thaiyho ethnic group Ban Sang Badal Sang Badal Subdistrict, Somdet District, Kalasin Province. Governance Journal, 11(2), 116–141. Retrieved from



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