Elderly Welfare Provision in Local Administrative Organizations in Khu Mueang District, Buriram Province


  • pinyo srangthaisong College of Politics and Government, Mahasarakham University, Thailand
  • Vinai Poncharoen College of Politics and Government, Mahasarakham University, Thailand


The purposes of this research were 1) to study the level of elderly welfare provision; 2) to assess the quality of life among the elderly receiving welfare services; and 3) to investigate recommendations for improving elderly welfare services in local government organizations in Khu Mueang, Buri Ram province. The research methods used were a mixed-methods approach, incorporating both quantitative and qualitative research methods. The sample, selected by using purposive sampling, consists of 320 elders whose residents are in the subdistrict municipalities of Khu Mueang and Hin Lek Fai, along with 16 key informants interviewed, including the mayors, deputy mayors, and 5 general administrative officers. Data collection involves questionnaires and interviews. The research found that the overall level of elderly welfare provision in local government organizations in the Khu Mueang district, Buri Ram province, is at a moderate level. The correlation between the quality of elderly life and the provision of welfare services is statistically significant at a level of 0.00. Recommendations for enhancing elderly welfare services in local government organizations in the Khu Mueang district include increasing the elderly allowance and implementing annual health check-ups.



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How to Cite

srangthaisong, pinyo, & Vinai Poncharoen, V. . (2024). Elderly Welfare Provision in Local Administrative Organizations in Khu Mueang District, Buriram Province. Governance Journal, 13(1), 134–148. Retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/gjournal-ksu/article/view/269673



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