Guidelines for developing the competency of personnel of local government organizations case of study of Najarn’s Subdistrict Municipality Mueang Kalasin District Kalasin Province


  • Phakasorn Srisawangwong Master of Arts Program in Development Administration, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Kalasin University
  • Ariya Pongsiri Assistant Professor, Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Kalasin University


Competencies; Guidelines; Development; local government


This research aims to study Personnel competency level and to study guidelines for developing the competency of personnel of local government organizations. Case study of Najarn Subdistrict Municipality Mueang Kalasin District, Kalasin Province which is qualitative research and quantitative research by analyzing data. Using 47 sets of survey questionnaires and in-depth interviews with 8 people. Overview of the main competency levels of Najarn Subdistrict Municipality personnel. At the highest level When considering each item, it was found that They need for developing competencies required in the work of Najarn Subdistrict Municipality personnel in the competency of "Integrity" is at the highest level (X ̅ = 4.53, S.D.=0.58). The next development direction is the "Achievement Motivation" competency at a high level (X ̅ =4.10, S.D.=0.62) respectively. In developing the competency of personnel that focuses on the results of the personnel of Najarn Subdistrict Municipality Must receive training Study outside the field Always develop and learn how to use new technology. There is a mentor to supervise. Follow up and evaluate performance regularly and closely. Including developing morality and ethics, setting goals. or set a roadmap for further development.


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How to Cite

Srisawangwong, P. ., & Pongsiri, A. . (2024). Guidelines for developing the competency of personnel of local government organizations case of study of Najarn’s Subdistrict Municipality Mueang Kalasin District Kalasin Province. Governance Journal, 13(1), 187–205. Retrieved from



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