About the Journal

The Fine Arts Journal: Srinakharinwirot University (FAJSWU) is a respected academic publication that follows a stringent double-blind peer-review process. Published twice a year and available online as an open-access resource, FAJSWU is overseen by the Faculty of Fine Arts at Srinakharinwirot University. The journal is committed to sharing original, high-quality research, academic articles, reviews, and book critiques across various fine arts disciplines and related innovations. These areas include Visual Arts, Music, Dance, Performing Arts, Art Education, Cultural Arts, Art Therapy, Design Arts, Crafts & Decorative Arts, and Digital Arts.

While FAJSWU primarily accepts submissions in Thai to maintain its distinctive focus on regional fine arts research, it also welcomes English submissions that align with its objectives. Every submission undergoes a thorough peer-review process to ensure it meets the highest scholarly standards. Expert reviewers, whose expertise matches the content of the article, evaluate submissions to ensure quality. To streamline this process, the journal uses an accelerated quality assessment system, drawing reviewers from a wide range of institutions to guarantee a comprehensive and unbiased review.

FAJSWU offers unrestricted access to its content, specifically catering to scholars, researchers, and those with academic interests in the fine arts. This open-access policy is designed to enhance the journal's impact, making its valuable research readily available for academic study and exploration.

Publication Malpractice Statement

FAJSWU upholds a strict zero-tolerance policy toward publication malpractice, committing to the highest ethical standards and taking any allegations of misconduct very seriously. The publication malpractice statement is grounded in the following principles:

  • Plagiarism: Proper acknowledgment and permission are mandatory when using others' work. Plagiarism is considered a severe breach of research integrity, leading to immediate rejection of the manuscript and potential actions against the authors.

  • Fabrication and Falsification: The journal strictly prohibits the fabrication or falsification of data or results. Authors must present accurate and reliable data, and any manipulation or misrepresentation of research findings is deemed a significant ethical violation.

  • Multiple Submissions: Manuscripts submitted to FAJSWU must not be under consideration by any other journal or conference simultaneously. Concurrent submissions to multiple publications are unethical and will result in immediate rejection.

  • Authorship Disputes: Authorship issues should be resolved before manuscript submission, ensuring that authorship accurately reflects each contributor's role in the research. Authors are responsible for providing accurate and complete information regarding authorship.

  • Peer Review Integrity: The journal safeguards the peer review process's integrity, strictly prohibiting any attempts to manipulate it. Coercing reviewers or submitting false recommendations is unethical and will not be tolerated.

  • Retractions and Corrections: If significant errors or misconduct are identified in a published article, the journal will take appropriate actions, including issuing retractions or publishing corrections. These actions are taken promptly and transparently, in accordance with established guidelines.

  • Reporting Misconduct: FAJSWU encourages authors, reviewers, and readers to report any suspected misconduct or ethical violations. All reports are thoroughly investigated, with necessary actions taken based on the findings.

FAJSWU is dedicated to maintaining the integrity of the scholarly publishing process and upholding the trust of authors, reviewers, and readers. The journal remains committed to addressing any instances of publication malpractice swiftly and ensuring the highest standards of ethical conduct throughout the publication process.

Contact Information

For editorial inquiries or coordination, please contact:

For general journal-related inquiries, please reach out to us at: fofajournal@gmail.com

Note: For comprehensive guidance on using the ThaiJo website, step-by-step instructions are available to help users navigate and utilize its features. This resource is particularly helpful for first-time users or those looking to maximize their experience on the platform. It includes detailed instructions on accessing journals, submitting manuscripts, managing profiles, and using the available research tools. For further assistance, additional support is accessible through the website's help and support section.


Call for Submissions: Fine Arts Journal (FAJSWU) Volume 29, Issue 1 - January to June 2025


The Fine Arts Journal: Srinakharinwirot University (FAJSWU) is now welcoming manuscript submissions for consideration in Volume 29, Issue 1 (January - June 2025). The submission deadline is October 31, 2024, or until the required number of articles is reached.

If you’re interested in submitting your work, please review the manuscript preparation guidelines available at https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jfofa/about/submissions.

Read more about Call for Submissions: Fine Arts Journal (FAJSWU) Volume 29, Issue 1 - January to June 2025

Current Issue

Vol. 28 No. 1 (2024): January-June 2024
					View Vol. 28 No. 1 (2024): January-June 2024
Published: 2024-06-21

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Academic Article

Book Review

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