The Curriculum Improvement of the Curriculum on Bachelor of Education Program in Christian Studies, Faculty of Divinity. (Update B.E. 2558)

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Rev.Asst.Prof.Dr.Watchasin  Kritjaroen
Rev.Asst.Prof.Wasan Pirulhwong
Rev.Dr.Werasak Yongsripanithan
Rev.Chedtha  Chaiyadej
Rev.Dr.Pichet Saengthien
Sudhathai Niyomtham
Lalita Kitpramuan


The Curriculum Improvement of Bachelor of Education Program in Christian Studies, Faculty of Divinity (Update B.E. 2558), Saengtham College had the following objectives to improve the Curriculum for Bachelor of Education Program in Christian Studies, Faculty of Divinity (Update B.E. 2558) to be a quantitative research. The main participants of the research comprised 3 committees of Saengtham College, 8 Faculty of Divinity committees, 5 Academic committee, 5 Academic Council and 9 College council. The research instruments used with a total of 30 persons consisted of the study process by purposive or judgmental sampling, analyze data or documentary research and focus group discussions. The data collected were analyzed using Percentage (%) and content analysis. The results of the research were as follows:  1. The curriculum found that philosophy was suitable at high level to remain intact. 2. The objectives of the course was suitable at high level to remain intact. 3. The structure of the course was suitable at high level; a 5-year curriculum is advised to change into a 4-year curriculum according to the announcement of the Ministry of Education about the Professional Standard of the Bachelor Degree in Pedagogy and Education (4-year course) B.E. 2562, the regulations of the Teachers’ Council of Thailand (No.4) B.E. 2562 and the Canon Law of Church on the Teaching of the Church; the structures of the course should be adjusted to be appropriate. 4. The suitability of the contents of the course as well as the credits of the course by overall are very good. The Code of the subjects, the contents of the subjects and credits of the subjects are advised to be changed to suit the announcement of the Ministry of Education about the Professional Standard of the Bachelor Degree in Pedagogy and Education (4-year course) B.E. 2562, the regulations of the Teachers’ Council of Thailand (No.4) B.E. 2562 and the Canon Law of Church on the Teaching of the Church

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How to Cite
Kritjaroen, R., Pirulhwong, R., Yongsripanithan, R., Chaiyadej, R., Saengthien, R., Niyomtham, S., & Kitpramuan, L. (2020). The Curriculum Improvement of the Curriculum on Bachelor of Education Program in Christian Studies, Faculty of Divinity. (Update B.E. 2558). Saengtham College Journal, 12(2), 17–31. retrieved from
Research Articles


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