Development of Activity Package on Analytical Thai Reading Through Sq3r Technique for Prathomsuksa V Students.

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Pannika Srichanchai
Asst.Prof.Dr.Roongfa Kitiyanusan


The purpose of this research were 1) to construct instructional package in Thai reading comprehension by using SQ3R 2) to study analytical Thai reading  development before and after using by activity package on analytical Thai reading through SQ3R technique 3) to study reading behavior during learning using Thai reading through SQ3R technique for Prathomsuksa V students. The sample consisted of 45 students in Prathomsuksa V in the first semester academic year 2018 of Pattaya city 8 (Pattayanukul) school by using Cluster Sampling. The research instruments were 1) Seven activity package on analytical Thai reading through SQ3R technique. 2) The analytical Thai reading achievement test and behavior observation forms. The statistics used were percentage, mean, standard deviation and t-test. The results of research as follows: 1) The Thai reading through SQ3R technique for had efficiency index of 89.27/88.15 whichs was higher than the standard criterion  2) The Thai reading comprehension of Prathomsuksa V students, posttest score of learning management by using SQ3R reading technique, was significantly higher than pretest score at the .01 level. 3) The Thai reading behavior during the studying by using SQ3R reading technique of Prathomsuksa V students were at excellent level.

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How to Cite
Srichanchai, P., & Kitiyanusan, A. (2020). Development of Activity Package on Analytical Thai Reading Through Sq3r Technique for Prathomsuksa V Students. Saengtham College Journal, 12(2), 32–49. retrieved from
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