Activities about “Tech less Learn more on Thai dance” to enhance the quality of learning for high school students.

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Dr.Thip-anong Gulgate


The purposes of this research were to 1) study lesson/learn the activities 2) develop the activities 3) Implemented the activities and 4) Evaluat the activities about “Teach less Learn more on Thai dance” to enhance the quality of learning for high school students. The methodology of this research was Research & Development. The research tools were test, rubric scoring and questionnaires with the students on semester 1 academic year 2018. The percentage average standard deviation and content analysis statistical were used in this research. The research findings were: 1. The component of activities about “Teach less Learn more on Thai dance” to enhance the quality of learning for high school students consisted of explanatory, goal, step, objective, unit of learning, resources, assessment and direction 2. The achievement on activities about “Teach less Learn more on Thai dance” to enhance the quality of learning for high school students  2.1 The students had an post-test average score of 17.60. The standard deviation was 0.78. 2.2 The performance results on activities overall was in high level (average was 82.50 and S.D. was 0.17). In addition, Creative in Dance formation was in the highest level. 2.3 The satisfaction in overall was excellent (average was 4.81 and S.D. was 0.44).  3. evaluation was found to be effective at all levels. The mean was 4.29. The standard deviation was 0.47.

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How to Cite
Gulgate, D.- anong. (2020). Activities about “Tech less Learn more on Thai dance” to enhance the quality of learning for high school students. Saengtham College Journal, 12(2), 68–93. retrieved from
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