The Essentiality of Disability Ministry for the Church.

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Reverend Asst.Prof.Dr.Satanun Boonyakiat


The suffering of Thai people with disabilities and their families compels Thai Christians to examine our response to the reality of disability in the Thai context. Unfortunately, disability ministry is often regarded as “optional” in the Thai Protestant churches. As a result, many Protestant churches do not intentionally minister to people with disabilities and their families. Therefore, it is crucial to help Thai Christians to gain a clearer understanding of disability ministry. This article aims to present the essentiality of disability ministry for the church from a biblical and theological standpoint. I will propose that disability ministry is essential for the church for three main reasons: First, disability ministry equips the church for a constructive response to the suffering of people with disabilities. Second, disability ministry enables the church to become an inclusive community that honors people with disabilities. Third, disability ministry empowers people with disabilities to fulfill their important roles in God’s kingdom. Therefore, disability ministry should be one of the core ministries of the church.

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How to Cite
Boonyakiat, R. (2020). The Essentiality of Disability Ministry for the Church. Saengtham College Journal, 12(2), 5–16. retrieved from
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