Development of the Model for promoting Classroom Research of Teachers in Wat Jantaram (Tangtrongjit 5) School.

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Krittiphon Nentakong
Dr.Patcharaporn Duangchurn
Assoc.Prof.Dr.Choomsak Intarak


          The Objectives of research and development were to develop enhancing model for classroom research of teachers in Wat Jantaram (Tangtrongjit 5) School. The sample used were 16 teachers selected from 8 department in the academic year of 2020. The instruments used in the research were (1) an opinionnaire surveying the problems of classroom research teaching for teachers, (2) a self-constructed enhancing model for classroom research teaching following the principles outlined by Kemmis and McTaggart, and researches in related fields, (3) a performance assessment survey form on the enhancing model for classroom research teaching for teachers, and (4) an evaluation form on the performance, efficiency, effectiveness, value, and satisfaction of the research instruments following the Index of Item Objective Congruence as the basis for screening the validity of content, and the relevance between questions and objectives. The statistics used to analyze the data were frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, and content analysis. 
          The results of the study revealed that the problems of classroom research teaching of teachers in Wat Jantaram (Tangtrongjit 5) School were at a high level. The enhancing model was designed to comprise of 4 factors ; (1) Plan, (2) Act, (3) Observe, (4) Reflect. The enhancing model was subsequently called “PAOR Model”. It had been proved to be successful in developing and enhancing the classroom research teaching methods for teachers at Wat Jantaram (Tangtrongjit 5) School in terms of the efficiency, effectiveness, value, and satisfaction at an extremely high level.

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How to Cite
Nentakong, K., Duangchurn, P., & Intarak, C. (2023). Development of the Model for promoting Classroom Research of Teachers in Wat Jantaram (Tangtrongjit 5) School. Saengtham College Journal, 15(1), 115–133. retrieved from
Research Articles


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