A Study Of Relationship Between Educational Leadership And Organizational Health Of Educational Institutions Under The Royal Thai Air Force.

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Flying Officer Jirawat Kokchiangsan
Dr.Ratikorn Niyamajan
Asst.Prof.Dr.Sawien Jenkwao


           This research aimed to study : 1) the educational leadership of the school administrators under the Royal Thai Air Force, 2) the organizational health of educational institutions under the Royal Thai Air Force, 3)  the relationship between educational leadership of the school administrators and organizational health of educational institutions in the Royal Thai Air Force, and 4) the guidelines for developing education leadership and organization health of educational institutions under the Royal Thai Air Force. The population used in this research are teachers and educational person under the Royal Thai Air Force, amounting to 2,881 people from 37 schools selected. The sample was stratified by proportional sampling using the school as a class to divide selected teachers and educational person using a simple random sampling method. A sample of 338 people.  The research instrument was obtained is an opinion questionnaire with 5 levels of approximation. The confidence value was 0.986 and the interview form of the school administrators under the Royal Thai Air Force structured Interview. The data were analyzed including frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and Pearson’s correlation coefficient.

          The research results were found that : 1) the educational leadership of the school administrators under the Royal Thai Air Force both overall and each aspect at high level, 2) the organizational health of educational institutions under the Royal Thai Air Force both overall and in each aspect in good level. 3) the relationship between educational leadership and administrators and organizational health of educational institutions in the Royal Thai Air Force found that overall, there was a positive relationship (r = 0.906) with statistical significance at 0.01, and 4) the guideline for developing education leadership and organization health of educational institutions under the Royal Thai Air Force, including educational leadership. The leadership distribution use the four sublime states of mind principles consisting of loving-kindness, compassion, sympathetic joy and equanimity for organizational health resource support use the principles of good governance, consisting of the rule of law, morality, accountability, participation, responsibility and cost-effectiveness or economy

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How to Cite
Kokchiangsan, J., Niyamajan, R. . ., & Jenkwao , S. . (2023). A Study Of Relationship Between Educational Leadership And Organizational Health Of Educational Institutions Under The Royal Thai Air Force. Saengtham College Journal, 15(2), 150–173. retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/scj/article/view/250755
Research Articles


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