Diversity in Secondary School Administration Innovation for Change.

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Bupphakan Srimora
Asst.Prof.Dr.Prasert Intarak


This research design used a mixed - method approach (quantitative and qualitative research). The research purposes were to determine 1) to find Diversity in Secondary School Administration Innovation for Change 2) to find using of Diversity in Secondary School Administration Innovation for Change according to school administrative structure 3) to find the difference and correlation in using of Diversity in Secondary School Administration Innovation for Change by the opinions of respondents. The populations of this research included 2,358 in Secondary School; The 345 respondents' school directors. The research instruments were the survey form. The statistics used for analyzing the data were frequency, percentage, mode, chi-square test, kendall coefficient of concordance. The results of this research found that: 1. Diversity in Secondary School Administration Innovation for Change were 38 innovations. 2. Diversity in Secondary School Administration Innovation for Change according to school administrative structure, the most selected innovation is strategic planning. 2.1) Academic administration, the most selected innovation is Bookmark program 2.2) Personnel management, the most selected innovation is Teachers and Educational Personnel Enhancement based on Mission and Functional Areas as Majors (TEPE Online). 2.3) Budget management, the most selected innovation is resource mobilization. 2.4) General management, the most selected innovation is public relations through social media. 3. The analysis of differences and correlation in using of Diversity in Secondary School Administration Innovation for Change by the opinions of respondents. 3.1) The analysis of differences in using Diversity in Secondary School Administration Innovation for Change by the opinions of respondents. The opinions of the directors weren’t different. 3.2) The analysis of the correlation of innovation in using of Diversity in Secondary School Administration Innovation for Change by the opinions of respondents found that; the most the correlation coefficient during the innovation choosing as the number 1 and size of school relate with in low level.

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How to Cite
Srimora, B., & Intarak, P. (2021). Diversity in Secondary School Administration Innovation for Change. Saengtham College Journal, 13(2), 163–182. Retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/scj/article/view/252234
Research Articles


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