The 21st Century adminstration Skills of School Administrators according to the teacher's opinion Under the Don Mueang District Office Bangkok.

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Nattiwa Lalu
Dr.Sirirat Thongmeesri


           The objectives of this independent study were to: 1) find out the 21st century administrative skills of school administrators according to teachers’ opinions under Don Mueang District Office and, 2) compare the 21st century administrative skills of school administrators classified by gender, age, educational level, and work experience. The population was 408 teachers from 6 schools under Don Mueang District Office. The 196 samples, selected by proportional stratification, were determined from the Krejcie and Morgan table. The research instrument was 5-point rating scale questionnaire with the reliability of 0.883. The statistics used for data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test and One-Way ANOVA.
          The findings showed that: 1) the 21st century administrative skills of school administrators according to teachers’ opinions were overall at a high level, arranged in descending order as follows: digital skills, communication skills, cognitive skills educational and teaching skills, teamwork skills, conceptual skills, technical skills, and human skills, and 2) the comparative results of the 21st century administrative skills of school administrators according to teachers’ opinions revealed that personnel with different ages and educational levels had no difference in opinions towards the 21st century administrative skills of school administrators while teachers with different genders and work experiences had different opinions towards the 21st century administrative skills of school administrators at the statistical significance level of .05.

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How to Cite
Lalu, N., & Thongmeesri, S. (2024). The 21st Century adminstration Skills of School Administrators according to the teacher’s opinion Under the Don Mueang District Office Bangkok. Saengtham College Journal, 16(1), 200–224. Retrieved from
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