Relationship Between Body and Flesh.

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Rev.Kriengsak Prasootsaengchan
Asst.Prof.Dr.Sarinya Aroonkajornsak
Professor Emeritus Dr.Suwanna Sathananan


          This article studies about relationship between body and flesh in the context of Christianity (theology) and Phenomenology (philosophy). It is divided into two parts. The first studies about developing concept of body in
Christianity from the Early period to before the Pre-Reformation – from the very apparent concept of body
effected by Greek to the faded by Idealists. The second studies about Emmanuel Falque’s concept. Falque neither
reject nor resist the significance of soul and spirit. He appeals to consider the materiality of body that is
fundamental of human existence. And he argues that through giving priority to body, theology and philosophy
can find out what it really mean to be human being.

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How to Cite
Prasootsaengchan, K., Aroonkajornsak, S., & Sathananan, S. (2024). Relationship Between Body and Flesh. Saengtham College Journal, 16(1), 9–20. Retrieved from
Academic Articles


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