Guidelines for Christian Living According to the Virtue of Courage Found in Bishop Louis Laneau’s Life Experience.

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Wutthichai Kaewpuang
Rev.Dr.Pichet Saengthien
Rev.Dr.Surachai Chumsriphun
Brother Dr.Bernard Wirth
Asst.Prof.Dr.Laddawan Prasootsaengchan


The research aims to study the way of living out Christian life according to Bishop Louis Laneau’s virtue of courage, through the methodology of analyzing and synthesizing significant and reliable documents and research involved. 
The results of the study showed: Being Christians is a response to God’s invitation. Catholics, therefore, should live out his or her identity by doing their task as a good and just person following the words and deeds of our Lord Jesus Christ. The life of Bishop Louis Laneau manifested to us such Christian virtue, and his acts of valor in the mission were visible in the following details: 1) His experience of God, 2) Humility, 3) Pastoral Work, 4) Ability to adapt and adjust to local cultures, 5) Faith and, 6) New evangelization. Like Bishop Laneau, Christians must closely imitate Jesus Christ and bravely witness to Him by: 1) having an experience of God, living in faith through love and service, 2) daring to be humble, evaluating their own true value and respecting that of other people, 3) being committed to their vocation by joining in the common mission of all faithful, 4) being able to reach out and to witness to the Gospel, as well as to adjust to the present culture in the task of evangelization, 5) having faith in God, fearless to face the hardships with God, in God, and for God and, 6) proclaiming the truth and living in the truth according to the Gospel’s values found in the culture and tradition. In this way, everybody would be able to know Jesus Christ following the example of Bishop Laneau, who led the Christians in Siam to have an experience of God and to know His teachings, helping them believe in the Good News. Gratefully, Laneau, filled with God’s grace and the
assistance of the Holy Spirit, was a living witness capable
of leading all people on the path to salvation for the growth of the Catholic Church in Thailand for the past 350 years.

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How to Cite
Kaewpuang, W., Saengthien, P., Chumsriphun, S., Wirth, B., & Prasootsaengchan, A. . . (2022). Guidelines for Christian Living According to the Virtue of Courage Found in Bishop Louis Laneau’s Life Experience. Saengtham College Journal, 14(1), 182–203. retrieved from
Research Articles


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