The Pastoral Guidelines For Alternative Sexual Orientations Following the Encyclical Letter “Fratelli Tutti” and the Apostolic Exhortation “Amoris Laetitia”

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Saroch Maeteepitakkul
Rev.Dr.Agustinus Sugiyo Pitoyo, S.J.
Rev.Dr.Anthony Le Duc.
Asst.Prof.Dr. Laddawan Prasootsaengchan


          The purpose of this qualitative research is to find pastoral guidelines for alternative sexual orientations following the encyclical letter Fratelli Tutti and the apostolic exhortation Amoris Laetitia by analyzing the encyclical letter, the apostolic exhortation, the Scripture and relevant documents, as well as qualitative data by focused - group interviews of five experts selected specifically, followed by analyzing the data for subject matters.

The results of this research reveal:

          The research found that the encyclical letter Fratelli Tutti and apostolic exhortation Amoris Laetitia did not directly suggest pastoral guidelines for the alternative sexual orientations but the documents promoted care for people at the margins of society, who had not received the equality, including those of the alternative sexual orientations who had been affected by the misunderstanding of their identity and individuality in society. In addition, brotherhood and friendship in the Catholic Church suggest in the documents would lead the way to fraternally journey with them by 1) Seeing everyone inclusively as our brothers and sisters 2) Counting no strangers in the Kingdom of God 3) Stepping out of oneself to accompany the abandoned 4) Opening one’s heart to dialogue as the essence to understand one another 5) Relying on faith as the servant of Fraternity and 6) Promoting family as the institution of love, rest and warmth. As the Catholic Church has teachings by saying that as persons with alternative sexual orientation is not a sin differently from homosexual activity. They should be chastity and live as good Christian life following on doctrine and teaching of the Catholic Church correctly.

            As the pastoral guideline for the alternative sexual orientation according to the interviewed group comments of the senior experts as follow 1) Families and people who are around alternative sexual orientation should accept and understand what they are. So, they would be encouraged to accept and valuable on themselves. 2) The involving institution or the relevant authorities on the catholic catechism formation at the point of sexuality following the plan of God should be continued and propagated to people with alternative sexual orientation for understanding the Catholic Church teaching and Her stance on sexuality better. 3) Families and relevant authority should instruct and advice the appropriate guideline for people with alternative sexual orientation’s life following the Catholic Church teaching. Especially, the young or the youth those who have a self-knowledge as same – sex attraction. 4) At the point of virtual formation, the family should be mainstream forming their children following the teaching of the Church together with moral promotion of the Church. 5) The Catholic Church or relevant authorities should give spaces or chances for people with alternative sexual orientation to participate with the Church activities by spirituality as love and service fully and commonly. 6) The Catholic Church should promote the teaching on sexual orientation to family and society for accepting, respecting and living together with them brotherly. Especially for the children who have a self-knowledge as homosexual orientation in Christian family can live and grow in faith, love and hope having a better life in the future. and 7) The Catholic Church should have a manual book particularly for the people with alternative sexual orientation.

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How to Cite
Maeteepitakkul , S., Sugiyo Pitoyo, S.J., R., Le Duc., R., & Prasootsaengchan, A. L. (2022). The Pastoral Guidelines For Alternative Sexual Orientations Following the Encyclical Letter “Fratelli Tutti” and the Apostolic Exhortation “Amoris Laetitia”. Saengtham College Journal, 14(2), 194–212. retrieved from
Research Articles


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