The School Administrators’ Competencies Affecting Academic Administration in School Teachers’ Opinions Under The Office of Secondary Educational Service area 3.
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The aims of this research were to: 1) study the level of school administrators’ competencies in school teachers’ opinions under the office of secondary educational service area 3, 2) study the level of academic administration in school teachers’ opinions under the office of secondary educational service area 3, and 3) analyze the school administrators’ competencies affecting academic administration in school teachers’ opinions under the office of secondary educational service area 3.The samples of this research were 346 teachers from 11 schools under the office of secondary educational service area 3 which performed the average scores of the ordinary national educational test (O-NET) are higher than the national average scores, dividing proportion size of the teachers by the rule of three in arithmetic, and selecting by simple random sampling. The method of this research was used a questionnaire constructed by researcher using 5-point Likert scale (rating scale). Its validity value was 0.88 and reliability was 0.98. Statistics was used to analyze the data were the frequency, percentage, mean (x̅), standard deviation (S.D.) and stepwise multiple regression coefficient. The findings indicated that: 1) the level of school administrators’ competencies in school teachers’ opinions was at a high level, 2) the level of academic administration in school teachers’ opinions was at a high level, and 3) the school administrators’ competencies affecting academic administration in school teachers’ opinions under the office of secondary educational service area 3 at level of statistical significant at a level of 0.01, including 3 variables: good service, achievement motivation and ethics and professional ethics. The raw scores (b) of the 3 variables were 0.346, 0.251 and 0.114 respectively. The coefficient standard scores (β) were 0.404, 0.310, and 0.135 respectively. The coefficient of determination value was 60.90 % (R2 = 0.609), while self-development, team work and school administration had no effect on academic administration in school teachers’ opinions under the office of secondary educational service area 3.
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