The Application of Catholic Church Teaching to Support Administration of the Local Government. a case study: Tha Rae Subdistrict Municipality, Mueang Sakon Nakhon.

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Phitsanu Kakaew
Rev.Dr.Surachai Chumsriphun
Rev.Asst.Prof.Dr.Chartchai Phongsiri
Asst.Prof.Dr.Laddawan Prasootsaengchan


          The objectives of this qualitative research were as follows: 1) to introduce Catholic Church teachngs to the
local government administration of Tha Rae Subdistrict Municipality in Sakon Nakhon Province; and 2) to apply
Catholic Church teachings to the administration of the Tha Rae Subdistrict Municipality in the province of
Sakon Nakhon. This study analyzed and synthesized data collected from groups of five experts and nine informants. All of the sample groups were selected using
techniques of purposive sampling. The research instruments of this study were two focus group discussions. The collected data were analyzed using content analysis.
          The results of this study are as follows:
          1. The principle of bringing Catholic Church teachings to support the administration of the local government of Tha Rae Subdistrict Municipality in Sakon Nakhon Province is to promote Catholic Church teachings in the work of the local government of Tha Rae Subdistrict
Municipality by administering and governing based on the fundamentals of love, mercy, and faith, which are
the core and primary Catholic teachings, thereby concluding the virtues that support the administration. These virtues are essential for the achievement of the common good in accordance with the charism of the Gospel and the teachings of Jesus, including prudence, justice, honesty, love, sharing, patience, courage, and perseverance. Individual faith relationships are viewed as God's invitation to provide each individual with a vocation to respond to a challenge and act with courage, faith, and unity. The application of Catholic Church teachings in this administration is not limited to local government but is rather a way of life. It is the value and achievement of living in this world.
          2. The principle of integrating Catholic Church teachings into the administration of the local government
yields the benefits and values of this local government, including prudence, justice, honesty, love, sharing,
patience, courage, persistence, faith, and unity. which encourages personnel to have faith in God, particularly
in the Virgin Mary, the patron of the municipality, and to love one another, unity and harmony in accordance
with Catholic Church teachings. These Catholic Church teachings assist individuals in understanding their duties
and responsibilities and how to work and live morally and ethically. They are able to apply the teachings of
the Catholic Church as a whole in their institutions and communities and to work with sacrifice in imitation of Jesus. They are able to carry out their responsibilities and lead useful and important lives, serving as a positive example to one another and improving the administration of local government. The community can coexist in harmony. They recognize the importance and value of life and the teachings of the Catholic Church.

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How to Cite
Kakaew, P., Chumsriphun, S., Phongsiri, C., & Prasootsaengchan, L. (2024). The Application of Catholic Church Teaching to Support Administration of the Local Government. a case study: Tha Rae Subdistrict Municipality, Mueang Sakon Nakhon. Saengtham College Journal, 16(1), 40–64. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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