The Development of the Peer-Assisted Learning for Students in Vocational Certificate, Department of Factory Mechanics Banharn - Jamsai Polytechnic College, Suphanburi Province

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Kridsadakorn Hematulin
Asst.Prof.Dr.Chayarat Boonputtikorn
Asst.Prof.Dr.Athcha Chuenboon
Asst.Prof.Phuachat Sukruan


          The purposes of this descriptive research were aimed to: 1) study of students’ peer-assisted learning
management. 2) compare learning achievements before and after learning by applying the peer – assisted learning
management, and 3) study students' satisfaction toward peer – assisted learning management. The samples consisted of 20 first year students of vocational certificate program in academic year 2023 at the Banharn-Jamsai Polytechnic College in Suphanburi. The findings revealed that 1) students’ peer-assisted learning management of vocational certificate program in factory mechanics could help students' develop cognitive score significantly higher at .05 with 43 percent, and 2) students' satisfaction with peer – assisted learning management is overall at a high level.

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How to Cite
Hematulin, K., Boonputtikorn, C., Chuenboon, A., & Sukruan, P. (2024). The Development of the Peer-Assisted Learning for Students in Vocational Certificate, Department of Factory Mechanics Banharn - Jamsai Polytechnic College, Suphanburi Province. Saengtham College Journal, 16(1), 106–123. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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