The Evaluation of the Curriculum on Master of Arts Programe in Moral Theology update 2019 Faculty of Divinity, Saengtham College

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Rev.Dr.Agustinus Sugiyo Pitoyo, S.J.
Rev.Dr.Cherdchai Lertjitlekha
Rev.Dr.Nantapon Suksumran
Rev.Dr.Anthony Le Duc
Rev.Dr.Surachai Chumsriphun
Rev.Dr.Pichet Saengthien, S.J.
Rev.Asst.Prof.Dr.Chartchai Pongsiri
Rev.Asst.Prof. Somchai Pittayaphongphon
Rev.Kriengsak Prasootsaengchan
Asst.Prof.Dr.Laddawan Prasootsaengchan


          This study was aimed: 1) to evaluate the Master of Arts Degree Programe in Moral Theology updated 2019, Faculty of Divinity of Saengtham College  focusing on context, input factors, process and product of the program, and 2) to study needs to improve the program as regarded by stakeholders of this study comprised 51 respondents, including 2 administrators, 10 instructors, 16 students, 19graduates and 6 graduates’ employers. The research instruments was a set of opinionnaires. The collected data were analyzed by percentage (%), mean (gif.latex?\bar{x}), standard deviation (S.D.) and content analysis.
          The results of the study were as follows : 1) The Evaluation of program as a whote was appropriate at the highest level with less data dispession (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 4.57, S.D. = 0.514). As taken a careful consideration, it revealed that all aspects were at the highest  except the output which was at a high level. 2) The Stakeholders regarded that all aspects of the program were needed for improvement.

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How to Cite
Sugiyo Pitoyo, A., Lertjitlekha, C., Suksamran, N., Le Duc, A. ., Chumsriphun, R., Saengthien, R., Pongsiri, C., Pittayaphongphon, S., Prasootsaengchan, K., & Prasootsaengchan, L. (2024). The Evaluation of the Curriculum on Master of Arts Programe in Moral Theology update 2019 Faculty of Divinity, Saengtham College. Saengtham College Journal, 16(1), 86–105. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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