The Development of Positive Psychological Capital on health village volunteer through Empowerment Process by Community Based Participatory in Tambon Nongwang, Wattananakorn district, Srakeaw Province.

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Asst.Prof.Dr.Jitra Dudsdeemaytha
Dr.Worasorn Netthip


          This research aimed to (1) Develop Positive Psychological Capital Model on health village volunteer through empowerment process by community based participatory model  (2) Investigate Positive Psychological Capital of health village volunteer after activities participation of enhancement of health village volunteer through empowerment process by community based participatory. Using participatory action research by quality cycle, PAOR totally of 2 rounds in order to develop activities model and to intervene with sample group totally of 30 people.  Comparing mean scores of Positive Psychological Capital before and after activities participation via t-Test Dependent, a statistical test. The result found that (1) The model of Positive Psychological Capital on health village volunteer through empowerment process by community based participatory composed of 3 main activities; Experiencing, Empowering, and Sharing.  (2) After participating activities enhancement of health village volunteer through empowerment process by community based participatory, the sample group’s Positive Psychological Capital mean scores in total and by components were significantly higher than before participation.

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How to Cite
Dudsdeemaytha, J., & Netthip, worasorn. (2024). The Development of Positive Psychological Capital on health village volunteer through Empowerment Process by Community Based Participatory in Tambon Nongwang, Wattananakorn district, Srakeaw Province. Saengtham College Journal, 16(1), 140–157. Retrieved from
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