An insight reflection for promoting peace and unity of the Church through Pgazkenyaw Bio-cosmology
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In today's world, we face conflicts unlike anything we have experienced before. Despite numerous efforts, such as dialogues and sanctions, to restore peace and unity, conflicts continue to persist. This article aims to present a concrete approach to promoting peace and unity within the Church based on Pgazkenyaw Bio-cosmology.
Throughout this decade, the Church has actively engaged in conflict and wars, advocating for peace and urging world leaders to note several important documents. One such document is Fratelli Tutti, which focuses on building peace. Additionally, the Church has addressed climate change through Laudato Si' and family matters through Amoris Laetitia. These documents have the potential to benefit humanity significantly.
The Church in Thailand adapts Christian teachings to fit into the Thai context, taking into consideration the diversity of the races, including the original Thai, Chinese, Vietnamese, Laotian, and other ethnic groups. The Church embraces and integrates these teachings into the local culture by emphasizing key documents of the Church. Interpreting these documents within different contexts is essential to ensure that their messages may bring joy. Some of the documents that the Church offers include Querida Amazonia, Gaudium et Spes, Ad Gentes, Evangelii Nuntiandi, Redemptoris Missio, and Ecclesia in Asia, as well as celebrating the 50th anniversary of FABC.
This article presents Pgazkenyaw's Bio-cosmology, which demonstrates that a person's worldview involves connecting with oneself, the universe, others, and creatures. It emphasizes the concept of oneness. Sanan Santimanokul offers this patrimonial wisdom to all and hopes to be a part of those who are working towards peace and unity in the world.
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