Effects of the Development Competency Program of Volunteer for Taking Care of the Elderly in Community
Development Competency program, Volunteer for taking care of the elderly in communityAbstract
This study aimed to construct a development competency program for volunteers to take care of the elderly in community, and to study effect of development competency program of volunteers for taking care of the elderly in the community. The development competency program was developed from the empowerment concept using a participatory workshop (Appreciation Influence Control: A-I-C) to get the activities for elderly in community care conducting into 4 phases: (1) discovering reality, (2) critical reflection, (3) taking charge, and (4) holding on in 4 week. The program's performance was assessed by 5 experts on appropriateness and possibilities. The indicators were at the highest level and high level. Interquartile Range (Q3-Q1), all indicators were not more than 1.5 which showed that the opinions of the experts were consistent. The samples were public health volunteers in zone 2 and 3 by multistage random sampling and by simple random sampling from province, district, Sub-district Health Promoting Hospital in Chainat province. Then simple random sampling was selected for control group from 1 village that features similar to the experimental group. A sample of 54 volunteers was randomly assigned to treatment group (n=27) and control group (n= 27). The findings found that the experimental group had knowledge, attitudes and skills in development competency program of volunteers for taking care of the elderly in the community before and after receiving the development competency program of volunteers for taking care of the elderly in the community higher than the control group with significantly different at .05 (p < .05). When comparing the before and after mean scores receiving the development competency program of volunteers for taking care of the elderly in the community, it was found that the experimental group had more knowledge, attitudes, skills than the control group significantly different at .05 (p < .05).
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