The Development of Activities to Encourage Reading Habit of Basic Education Students


  • Piyathida Rodsung Faculty of Education, Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University
  • Chonchakorn Worain Faculty of Education, Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University
  • Thirayut Phukhao Office of Educational Service Area 2


The activities to encourage reading habit, Basic education students


            The purposes of this study were 1) to survey the state and the needs of the activities by using questionnaires to 510 students and 47 teachers in the schools which operated in kindergarten to lower secondary level in Phitsanulok Primary Educational Service Area Office 1, 2 and 3. The data were analyzed by using mean, standard deviation and Priority Need Index (PNI). 2) To construct and develop the activities based on theory of planned behavior with the data of the state and the needs of the activities and the data from 5 teachers who are best in operation in the reading activities. The data were synthesized to be the reading habit encouragement activities approach, 9 experts did focus group for checking the approach and 15 experts evaluated the quality of the approach. The data were analyzed by using content analysis, median, interquartile range. 3) To try out the activities with 26 grade 4 students of AnubanPhitsanulok School.  The students were assessed in reading habit before, during and after the activities. Observation and students interview were used in this approach. The data were analyzed by using mean, standard deviation, repeated measure, Pearson's correlation and content analysis. 4) To evaluate the effectiveness of using activities by 15 teachers in AnubanPhitsanulok School and the students’ opinion were used. The data were analyzed by using mean, standard deviation, frequency and percentage.

            The findings found that the created reading habit encouragement activities are proper, useful, correct and possible in using by the reading habit encouragement activities approach. The students can get increase score of reading habit assessment and the observation score about reading behavior of most students were very good. The most satisfying activities were Reading Rally and the Content on the Tales. And the effectiveness of the activities was at the highest level both in the usefulness and suitability.


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How to Cite

Rodsung, P., Worain, C., & Phukhao, T. (2017). The Development of Activities to Encourage Reading Habit of Basic Education Students. Humanities and Social Sciences Journal of Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University, 12(1), 163–176. Retrieved from



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