Causal Influencing Biological Literacy of Students of Princess Chulabhorn Science High Schools in Thailand


  • Nurisah Sueri Faculty of Education, Prince of Songkla University, Pattani 94000
  • Afifi Lateh Faculty of Education, Prince of Songkla University, Pattani 94000
  • Waewruedee Waewthongrak Faculty of Science and Technology, Prince of Songkla University, Pattani 94000



Biological literacy, Students of princess chulabhorn science high schools in thailand, Causal factor


The objective of this research was to observe the causal factor influence the biological literacy of Princess Chulabhorn Science High Schools in Thailand. The population comprised of 1,580 students of Princess Chulabhorn Science High Schools in Mathayom 6 academic year 2564. According to the ratio of parameters, convenience sampling was selected by 275 students. The instruments used 12 questions including knowledge context and attitude. 7 aspects of questionnaire including motivation, curiosity, instructional media, edutainment, biology teacher, academic of biology, and source of learning. The data was statistically analyzed by the description statistics and analyzing the causal factors using Smart PLS program. The hypothesis testing results of the structural equation model from all 14 hypotheses showed that only 4 hypotheses were supported as followed: 1) academic of biology has a positive influence on curiosity, 2) biology teacher has a positive influence on edutainment, 3) instructional media has a positive influence on edutainment and 4) motivation has a positive influence on curiosity. The remaining of 10 hypotheses showed that the influence between the two latent variables is not statistically significant. This means that it cannot support the hypothesis set forth.


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Figure 1: Conceptual Framework of the Research




How to Cite

Sueri, N. ., Lateh, A. ., & Waewthongrak, W. (2024). Causal Influencing Biological Literacy of Students of Princess Chulabhorn Science High Schools in Thailand. Humanities and Social Sciences Journal of Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University, 18(1), 425–438.



Research Article