Development of Training Curriculum to Enhance Innovation and Technology Ability in Physical Education Learning Management for Physical Education Students




Training curriculum development, Innovation and technology ability in physical education learning management, Physical education student


The objective of this research and development was to develop a training curriculum to enhance innovation and technology ability in physical education learning management for physical education students. The research was divided into 3 phases. Phase 1) studying the needs in enhancing innovation and technology ability in physical education learning management. Data were collected from 432 physical education students in the 1st – 4th year of 13 universities in the northern region by stratified random sampling. Phase 2) Creating and developing a training curriculum to enhance innovation and technology ability in physical education learning management as well as organizing seminars based on 8 experts were used to assess the quality of the curriculum and its supporting documents before applying the course to the actual training. Phase 3) Experimenting and studying the results of using the training course and competency assessment to enhance innovation and technology ability in physical education learning management in terms of knowledge, characteristics, practical skills and assessing satisfaction with the training course. The sample consisted of 30 students from the department of Physical Education, Uttaradit Rajabhat University, acquired by purposive sampling. The results showed that:

1. The enhancing innovation and technology ability in physical education learning management is needed at a high level. (PNI Modified equated to 0.300).

2. The result of creation and development of the training curriculum revealed that there were 6 curriculum components including. (1) Principles of the curriculum, (2) Objectives, (3) Content, (4) Training activities and methods, (5) Curriculum materials, and (6) Curriculum evaluation. Additionally, there were two parts of the curriculum documents, namely (1) Manual for using the training curriculum and (2) plan of training activity. The quality assessment by experts, it was found that training curriculum and curriculum documents correctness and appropriateness, and usefulness and possibilities were at the highest level, (gif.latex?\bar{X}  = 4.61, S.D. = 0.42) and (gif.latex?\bar{X} = 4.55, S.D. = 0.45) respectively.

3. Physical education students had scores for innovation and technology competency in physical education learning management in each aspect as follows:

     3.1 Knowledge after the training was higher than before the training with statistically significant at the .05.

     3.2 Characteristics was at good level.

     3.3 Practical skills was at good level.

     3.4 The physical education students were satisfied with the training curriculum at the highest level.


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Table 1: Comparison of Necessary Needs Index (PNI Modified) Differences




How to Cite

Chimma, N., Sawagpun, P. ., Kuna-apisit , W. ., & Suksai, P.- ek . (2024). Development of Training Curriculum to Enhance Innovation and Technology Ability in Physical Education Learning Management for Physical Education Students. Humanities and Social Sciences Journal of Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University, 18(1), 411–424.



Research Article