The Issue Study on the Government Policy and Measures of Alcohol Beverage Control: Study Case in Area of Nimmanahaeminda, Chiang Mai


  • Wasan Pounpunwong Program of Political Sciences, College of Local Management and Development, Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University


The Government Policy and Measures, Alcohol Beverage Control, Nimmanahaeminda Rd.


This qualitative research’s article aims to present an issue of the government policy and measures of alcoholic beverage control: study case in area of Nimmanahaeminda road, Chiang Mai.  A research’s objective is to study the issue of the government policy and measures of alcoholic beverage control: study case in area of Nimmanahaeminda, Chiang Mai. The results are separated as these topics below; 1. Nimmanahaeminda Context and its area & economy existence leading to an issue of the government policy and measures of alcoholic beverage control; this area is originally surrounding with cultural unique shops, then well-known by many establishments that serves alcoholic beverages.  This factor drives Thais and foreigners to visit Nimmanahaeminda area and leads to social organization with government measures of alcoholic beverage control. 2. Nimmanahaeminda area under law policy and measures of alcohol beverage control; The practitioner level’s government sector keeps flexible on open hours for establishment with liquor license and mainly considers entrepreneur’s intention in case of being found guilty. 3. Entrepreneur adaptation of government policy and measures of alcohol beverage control in Nimmanahaeminda area; the establishment adapts to continue its business under specific law conditions with strategy of following the law to keep profits. 4. Issue of the government policy and measures of alcoholic beverage control with Nimmanahaeminda entrepreneur’s network gathering strategy; this network gathering is tentative only in crisis for specific purpose of benefit requiring from government. Research suggestion: 1. the government policy and measures of alcoholic beverage control should be strictly enforced by related agencies. 2. The policy of alcoholic beverage control by broadcast advertising should indicate and persuade clearly. 3. Local Administrative Organization should be empowered to issue a law and policy of alcoholic beverage control for organizing this area properly.


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How to Cite

Pounpunwong, W. (2020). The Issue Study on the Government Policy and Measures of Alcohol Beverage Control: Study Case in Area of Nimmanahaeminda, Chiang Mai . Governance Journal, Kalasin University, 9(2), 138–182. Retrieved from



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