Thoughts, Hope and Continuity of Thai Local Government Establishment in the 2470s (B.E.)


  • Sarawudhi Wisaprom Assistant Professor, College of Politics and Governance, Mahasarakham University


Local Government, Political Thought, Hope, Municipality


This article aims to investigate the thoughts on local government during 1920s-1930s through the concept of Hope. The study finds that the idea of establishing municipality shared a common ground which was the contemporary social desire that in fact the Siamese state had started the project since 1917. Even though it did not succeed in the time of the absolute monarchy, it played a part to successfully create a municipality in the time of Siamese state in 1927. Therefore, it might be said that the thoughts on municipality before and after the Siamese revolution of 1932 were connected.


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How to Cite

Wisaprom, S. (2022). Thoughts, Hope and Continuity of Thai Local Government Establishment in the 2470s (B.E.). Governance Journal, Kalasin University, 11(1), 38–54. Retrieved from



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