Factors Affecting Undergraduate Students’ Decisions in Civil Service Admissions in Bangkok Metropolitan


  • Thammasak Chokchiajaroenporn Master of Public Administration Program Public Policy and Public Management, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Mahidol University
  • Somboon Sirisunhirun Associate Professor, Public Policy and Public Management, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Mahidol University




civil servant; incentive; decision


This research purposes to study the factors affecting undergraduate students’ decisions in civil service admissions in Bangkok. Currently, it is found that the proportion of new bachelor's degree graduates selected to enter the general civil service is lower than expected.
This research study compares factors affecting the decision to enter the civil service, classified by personal factors. In addition, this research suggests possible ways to enhance efficiency to encourage undergraduate students to be civil servants. Using a mixed-method research process, the sample consisted of 836 undergraduate students or those currently studying in the final semester of each bachelor's degree program through a quantitative survey and collected data through qualitative interviews with 30 undergraduate students from educational institutions in the Bangkok area. The results of the research found that: 1) Gender differences do not affect the decision to apply for civil service upon graduation. 2) Compensation is the most motivating factor affecting undergraduate students’ decisions in civil service admissions. 3) Personal interests are the internal driving forces that affect their decision to be a civil servant. 4) Lifestyle and work culture factors have a great effect on their decisions. 5) The government sector should improve the efficiency of recruitment policies by considering the actual needs of each age group to respond directly and be able to attract students' interest in the government sector. Suggestions for policy improvement are that the government should emphasize appropriate compensation for living expenses and provide new or alternative welfares considering the actual needs of users, while continuing to give employees greater career stability.





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How to Cite

Chokchiajaroenporn, T., & Sirisunhirun, S. (2024). Factors Affecting Undergraduate Students’ Decisions in Civil Service Admissions in Bangkok Metropolitan. Governance Journal, Kalasin University, 13(1), 149–170. https://doi.org/10.14456/gjl.2024.8



บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)