Development of Intercultural Competency Indicators of Faculty in International Program.

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Kunlaya  Opassatian
Asst.Prof.Dr.Pansak Polsaram
Assoc.Prof.Dr.Wanee Kaemkate


The objectives were 1) to develop intercultural competency indicators of faculty in international program under Governmental Thai Higher Education and scale 2) to confirmatory intercultural competency indicators of faculty in international program model with empirical data. The sample used was 300 international faculties under Governmental Thai Higher Education by Multi-stage random sampling. The instruments used were a specialist interview form and an intercultural competency of faculty in international program scale. Data analysis with Content Analysis, Descriptive Statistics and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) were conducted by using the statistical software. The result found: 1) Intercultural competency of international faculties consisted of 3 dimensions with 7 indicators: (1) communication and multicultural knowledge were measured by using two indicators: intercultural communication knowledge, multicultural student knowledge (2) attitude of multicultural were measured by using 3 indicators: awareness in multicultural of student, open-mind to multicultural of student, curiousness in multicultural of student (3) participation and teaching with multicultural student were measured by using 2 indicators: participation with multicultural student, multicultural student teaching. An intercultural competency of faculty in international program scale were concluded three dimensions seven indicators, five levels. The indicators were of good quality with Cronbach's coefficient alpha .947 2) Intercultural competency of international faculties model developed were found to be consistent with the empirical data that considered from indices used for checking validity of the model χ2=5.55,df=8, P-value=0.698, χ2/df =0.694, CFI=1.00, GFI=0.99, AGFI=0.98, SRMR=0.014, RMSEA= 0.000 and CN=1076.10.

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How to Cite
Opassatian, K., Polsaram, A., & Kaemkate, A. (2020). Development of Intercultural Competency Indicators of Faculty in International Program. Saengtham College Journal, 12(2), 50–67. retrieved from
Research Articles


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