The Administrative Strategies for Catholic Basic Educational Schools in  Bangkok Archdiocese Towards Asean Community.

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Worawat  Tiamsuwan
Asst.Prof.Dr.Watcharapol Wiboolyasarin
Assoc.Prof.Dr.Sirote Pholpuntin


The objectives of the study were to 1) study the current state of basic school administration in Bangkok Archdiocese towards ASEAN Community 2) develop the strategies for basic school administration in Bangkok Archdiocese towards ASEAN Community 3) assess the strategies for basic school administration in Bangkok Archdiocese towards ASEAN Community. This research was conducted in a combined methods of quantitative and qualitative. According to the quantitative method, the population was consisted of 48 schools in Bangkok Archdiocese which included principals or vice-principals and four departmental heads. The sample contained 180 respondents. Based on the qualitative method, the semi-structured interview was implemented with 10 school administrators. The focus-group discussion with 10 educational specialists and experts and the strategic assessment with five educational experts were conducted. The data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, alpha coefficient and content analyses. The research results showed that:  1. The current state of basic school administration in Bangkok Archdiocese towards ASEAN Community in general was performed at the maximum level. The main strategy of administrator was at the highest level compared to other main strategies (student, teacher, curriculum, learning process and extra-curriculum activities, and environment and facilities). The minor strategy of student, in general, was at the high level. Considered separately, the minor strategy of student, student staying with others happily had the highest arithmetic mean while the lowest arithmetic mean was found among students who took the international examinations. The minor strategy of teacher, teacher staying with others happily held the highest arithmetic mean while teacher teaching via electronic media contained the lowest arithmetic mean. The minor strategy of administrator, administrator communicating with other people in various levels effectively kept the highest arithmetic mean while the lowest arithmetic mean was found with administrator with little knowledge and competency in technological management. The minor strategy of curriculum, learning process and extra-curriculum activities, various learning programs in response to student’s interest and potential contained the highest arithmetic mean. The lowest arithmetic mean was found in schools implanting social mind and dedication to student. The minor strategy of environment and facilities, the illuminated and ventilated classroom which was suitable for learning arranging had the highest arithmetic mean while those rehearsing about fire and earthquake had the lowest arithmetic mean.  2. The strategic development of Catholic basic school administration in Bangkok Archdiocese towards ASEAN Community, based on the semi-structured interview, the ten informants (school administrators) shared the importance of the five main strategies which were about the student, the teacher, the administrator, the curriculum, learning process and extra-curriculum activities, the environment and facilities. The 5 minor strategies with the lowest arithmetic mean were developed and the other 5 minor strategies with the highest arithmetic mean were supported. 3. The strategic assessment of Catholic basic school administration in Bangkok Archdiocese towards ASEAN Community, based on the focus-group discussion with 10 educational administration experts and specialists and the strategic assessment with 5 Catholic educational administration experts, approved both main and minor strategies of Catholic basic school administration in Bangkok Archdiocese towards ASEAN community. However, some minor strategies were adapted and added up. In conclusion, the administrative strategies for Catholic basic educational school in Bangkok Archdiocese towards ASEAN community were consisted of 5 main strategies, 13 minor strategies with 26 goals and 41 major indicators in the minor strategies.

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How to Cite
Tiamsuwan, W., Wiboolyasarin, A., & Pholpuntin, A. (2020). The Administrative Strategies for Catholic Basic Educational Schools in  Bangkok Archdiocese Towards Asean Community. Saengtham College Journal, 12(2), 94–116. retrieved from
Research Articles


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