The Priority Needs of Human Resource and Academic Management in Schools of The Ursuline Order in Bangkok Based on The Concept of The Ursuline Spirituality.

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Suwanna Chaipornkaew
Asst.Prof.Dr.Sukanya Chamchoy


The purpose of this research was to 1) study the present state and the desirable state of human resource and academic management in schools of the Ursuline Order in Bangkok based on the concept of the Ursuline spirituality and 2) study the priority needs of human resource and academic management in schools of the Ursuline Order in Bangkok based on the concept of the Ursuline spirituality. The Studied population was two schools of the Ursuline Order in Bangkok consisted of 180 administrators and teachers. The research informants consisted of the administrators, the co-administrative team, head and the coordinator of academic departments and teachers, totally 123 informants. The research instrument used in this study was a 5 levels rating scaled opinionnaire distributed during 18th February to 2nd March 2020. The data was analyzed by frequency distribution, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation and Modified Priority Need Index (PNIModified) The research found that: 1) The present state of human resource and academic management in schools of the Ursuline Order in Bangkok based on the concept of the Ursuline spirituality was perform at a high level. The highest average was off-the-job development and the instructional management. While considering each element, the highest average was I will serve (Serviam) and the lowest average was Innovation, Prophecy and Adaptation. The desirable state management in schools of the Ursuline Order in Bangkok based on the concept of the Ursuline spirituality was perform at a highest level. The highest average were on-the-job development and the instructional management. While considering each element, the highest average was I will serve (Serviam) and the lowest average was Innovation, Prophecy and Adaptation. 2) The priority needs of human resource management in schools of the Ursuline Order in Bangkok based on the concept of the Ursuline spirituality, sorted from highest to lowest were as follows: On-the-Job Development (PNIModified = 0.126). The highest element of priority need was Innovation, Prophecy and Adaptation (PNIModified = 0.159) and the lowest element of priority need was Joy and Hope (PNIModified = 0.002); The second rank of priority need index was Off-the-Job Development (PNIModified = 0.103) the highest element of priority need index was Innovation, Prophecy and Adaptation (PNIModified = 0.159) and the lowest element of priority need was I will serve (Serviam) (PNIModified = 0.070); The priority needs of academic management in schools of the Ursuline Order in Bangkok based on the concept of the Ursuline spirituality, sorted from highest to lowest were as follows: The Measurement and Evaluation (PNIModified = 0.106) the highest element of priority need index was Innovation, Prophecy and Adaptation (PNIModified = 0.168) and the lowest element of priority need was I will serve (Serviam) (PNIModified = 0.064); The second rank of priority need index was The Curriculum Development (PNIModified =0.083) the highest element of priority need index was Innovation, Prophecy and Adaptation (PNIModified = 0.138) and the lowest element of priority need was I will serve (Serviam) (PNIModified = 0.048); and the final rank of the priority need index was The Instructional Management (PNIModified = 0.081) the highest element of priority need was Innovation, Prophecy and Adaptation (PNIModified = 0.157) and the lowest element of priority need was I will serve (Serviam) (PNIModified = 0.052), respectively.

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How to Cite
Chaipornkaew, S., & Chamchoy, A. (2020). The Priority Needs of Human Resource and Academic Management in Schools of The Ursuline Order in Bangkok Based on The Concept of The Ursuline Spirituality. Saengtham College Journal, 12(2), 117–142. retrieved from
Research Articles


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