Transformational Leadership, Happiness at Work, and Work Behavior According to International Education Institution Standard of WASC.

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Panumat Pilajun
Assoc.Prof.Dr.Wichai Utsahajit


The purpose of this research was to examine the relation among and the prediction of Transformational Leadership and Happiness at Work on Work Behavior According to International Education Institution Standard of WASC. The sample group was 244 employees which were Faculty and Classified Staff, from Ruamrudee International School. The data were collected using research instruments including; General information about the respondent, Leadership Style (The School Administrators), Happinometer: Happiness You Can Self-Measure, and Work Behavior According to International Education Institution Standard of WASC. Results revealed that there were positive relationships between Transformational Leadership and Happiness at Work, Transformational Leadership and Work Behavior According to International Education Institution Standard of WASC, Happiness at Work and Work Behavior According to International Education Institution Standard of WASC. And also, Work Behavior According to International Education Institution Standard of WASC could be predicted by Transformational Leadership and Happiness at Work. Results found in this study recommended that the school should implement these following processes; planning all working processes following the school vision and mission, finding multiple inside and outside communication way for all staff to share their knowledge among themselves, providing professional development for all staff, making sure that all school stakeholders involve in a development of the school, and paying attention to the happiness of all staff. Finally, the recommendation for further study was to find development methods suitable for developing the sample organization.

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How to Cite
Pilajun, P., & Utsahajit, A. (2020). Transformational Leadership, Happiness at Work, and Work Behavior According to International Education Institution Standard of WASC. Saengtham College Journal, 12(2), 168–184. Retrieved from
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