Basic Education Administration Of Home School In Provincial Educational Agency.
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The purposes of this research were to 1) determine the basic education of home school in provincial educational agency 2) the confirmation of the basic education of home school in provincial educational agency. The sample were 66 units. The research instruments were the semi-structured interview, the opinionnaire and the confirmatory questionnaire for basic education of home school in provincial educational agency. The statistics used to analize the data were frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and content analysis.
The research findings were as follows :
1. There were 8 factors for basic education of home school in provincial educational agency; (1) Learning Organization, (2) Assignment of responsibility, (3) Direction, (4) Participation Support, (5) Network, (6) Learning Support, (7) Supervision and Monitoring, and (8) Public Relations.
The basic education of home school in provincial educational agency were verified with accuracy, propriety, feasibility, and utility.
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