Gharavasa-Dhamma 4 According to The Moderate Postmodern Philosophy.
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Moderate Postmodern Philosophy aims to develop human potentiality based on the pursuit of knowledge that is sustainable, namely: Creativity, Adaptivity, Requisivity and Cooperativity to complement one's own quality of life and society, leading to true happiness according to reality. Gharavasa-Dhamma follows the Moderate Postmodern Philosophy, seeking the best part from each doctrine and then bringing it into practice. It can be compared to the four cardinal virtues of Aristotle which are the Qualities of Success in Life. The four Gharavasa Dhamma 1) focuses on controlling the subordinate instincts so that human beings may enjoy self-sufficiency and happiness, 2) focuses on creating, adapting, cooperating and pursuing, and so leading to the development of the quality of life for happiness even more, 3) controls the conduct in the middle way to improve the quality of life, 4) focuses on developing the real happiness on the happiness of others, a shared value in postmodern philosophy at the community and nation levels. The result shows the true value of Ghara-vasa Dhamma for educating all levels of people through teaching team and good training.
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