Participative Factors Affecting Effectiveness of The Holy Redeemer Region Schools under Udon Thani Diocese.
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The purposes of this research were to: 1) study the level of the participative factors in The Holy Redeemer Region 2) study the level of the effectiveness of The Holy Redeemer Region Schools 3) study the relationship between the participative factors and the effectiveness of The Holy Redeemer Region and 4) create a predictive equation for the participative factors affecting the effectiveness of The Holy Redeemer Region Schools in Udon Thani Diocese. The target population in this research were 667 teachers. The sample were 248 teachers from 12 school of The Holy Redeemer Region Schools in Udon Thani Dioces. Using simple random sampling. The data collected by using the questionnaire with five-point scales ; the part of participative factors was with the power of discrimination between 0.537 - 0.845, the reliability value of 0.968 and the part of effectiveness was with the power of discrimination between 0.444 - 0.870, the reliability value of 0.965. Statistics used for data analysis were frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, correlation coefficient and stepwise multiple regression analysis. The findings of this study were as follows: 1) the level of participative factors of The Holy Redeemer Region Schools was at the high level 2) the effectiveness of The Holy Redeemer Region Schools was at the high level 3) the relationships exist between the participative factors of teachers and the effectiveness of The Holy Redeemer Region Schools was at the significance at the level of .01 and 4) the participative factors could predict the existence of effectiveness The Holy Redeemer Region Schools at the significance at the level of .01. and 4) The predictive equation for the participative factors affecting the effectiveness of The Holy Redeemer Region Schools were: Forecast equation in general score = 1.935+.267 (X3)+.191 (X2)+.101 (X1) and equation in the standard score
= .400 (X4)+.297 (X2)+.158 (X3)
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