The Opinion of Teachers and Students on Bilateral Teaching and learning Management in Thammasat Khlongluang Wittayakom school. 

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Jamnong Lee Sirirungroj
Assoc.Prof.Dr.Tiwat Maneechote


The purposes of this research were to study and compare the opinions of teachers and students towards bilateral teaching and learning management of Thammasat Klongluang Wittayakom School. Research sample were 96 teachers and students. The research tool was a questionnaire with the reliability value of .97 The statistics used for data analysis were frequency distribution, percentage, mean, standard deviation. And the statistics used in hypothesis testing was t-test Independent Samples. The research results were found that 1. The opinions of teachers and students of Thammasat Klongluang Wittayakom School on the overall bilateral teaching and learning management system were at a high level. When considering aspects, it was found that it was at a high level in all aspects as well. The side with the highest average was curriculum and instruction, followed by teachers and related persons, and the lowest was parents aspest. 2. Comparing the opinions of teachers and students of Thammasat Klongluangwittayakom School on the management of learning and teaching in the bilateral system, it was found that both in general and in each aspect were not different. But when considering the average, it was found that both in the overall and in almost all aspects

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How to Cite
Lee Sirirungroj, J., & Maneechote, T. (2022). The Opinion of Teachers and Students on Bilateral Teaching and learning Management in Thammasat Khlongluang Wittayakom school. . Saengtham College Journal, 14(1), 126–144. retrieved from
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