The Needs for New Teacher of Saint Joseph Convent School Development by Using Mentoring System.

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Kaetkaew Punnachet
Assoc.Prof.Dr.Tiwat Maneechote


The purpose of this research was to study the needs assessment of the mentoring program in order to help new teachers. The mentoring assessment can be separated into five parts: mentoring performance, being an example, giving teaching advice, teaching observation, and giving personal advice. The population consists of all 30 new teachers who started teaching during 2560-2562. The research instruments used for this study were questionnaires, the reliability was .988, the current situation was .979, and the desirable situation was 0.988. In addition descriptive statistics such as frequency distribution, Mean, Standard Deviation, Modified Priority Needs Index (PNIModified) were employed to analyze the data in the research.  1. Overall current situation in developing the new teacher were at the highest level. When examining each item, being an example and teaching observation was the highest. Followed by giving teaching advice and giving personal advice. Mentoring performance was the lowest average. 2. Desirable situation overall was at the highest level. When examining each item, giving teaching advice, and teaching observation, each was the highest average. Followed by mentoring performance and being an example. Giving personal advice was the lowest average. 3. The needs assessment when examining each item, teaching advice was the highest with PNIModified. The second was mentoring, teaching observation, and giving personal advice. The lowest was being an example.

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How to Cite
Punnachet, K., & Maneechote, T. (2022). The Needs for New Teacher of Saint Joseph Convent School Development by Using Mentoring System. Saengtham College Journal, 14(1), 145–159. retrieved from
Research Articles


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