The Role of the Legion of Mary for Strengthening Virtue of Faith Toward Christian’s Life Case Study : The Archdiocese of Bangkok.

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Tanaboon Poonphol
Rev.Dr.Agustinus Sugiyo Pitoyo, S.J.
Asst.Prof.Dr.Laddawan Prasootsaengchan


          The research will focus on the role of members of the Legion of Mary in strengthening the virtue of faith. 1) The Legion of Mary's role in strengthening Christian faith; 2) Guidelines for strengthening Christian faith. The group of informants, include: 1) members of the Legion of Mary of the Archdiocese of Bangkok in all 6 administrative districts, by choosing 5 people each with a membership period of at least 3 years for 30 people. 2) Progressive sampling, yielding a group of ten qualified individuals. The research uses descriptive statistics to conduct research analysis by using the personal data analysis of the providers, showing frequency and percentage.
          The results of this research reveal:
          1. The Legion of Mary’s role for strengthening the virtue of faith toward Christian life in the Archdiocese of Bangkok
          The Legion of Mary’s role for strengthening the virtue of faith toward Christian life. Its mission is to proclaim the Gospel and to encourage Christians to believe and act in accordance with their Christian conscience. Every member of the Legion of Mary has done the following on a regular basis: 1) praying; 2) acting out acts of compassion, particularly spiritual acts of compassion; 3) acting as faith-promoting missionaries; 4) collaborating with the priest for pastoral work; and 5) cooperating with individuals, agencies, and organizations. Aspects that are still less practiced include 1) teaching children and youth, 2) promoting social justice, and 3) environmental responsibility. These also involve asking for prayers within the family or in a community, which can be improved. The Legion of Mary is responsible for carrying out these roles and responsibilities relying on the grace of God through the intercession of Blessed Virgin Mary.
          2. Methods for advancing the Legion of Mary's work to foster the virtue of faith toward Christian life. The following are the five approaches.
                   2.1 Members of the Legion of Mary 1) should adjust their collaboration with the pastor to strengthen the faith of Christians to be more cohesive, consistent, and relevant to current social realities, 2) should be educated in the catechism, encyclicals, and other Church documents on a continual basis, 3) should be aware how to interact with other Church organizations involved, and 4)should bear their life witness in the work of strengthening the Christian faith.
                   2.2 The Legion of Mary 1) should apply and modify their work methods to the evolving society conditions, 2) should place greater emphasis on the practice of caring for children and youth, and 3) should encourage the integration and study of the Scriptures in the Legion of Mary's work of strengthening Christian faith.
                   2.3 The Legion of Mary and related authorities should assist Christians in promoting proper devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary.
                   2.4 Seminaries should provide education and training to educate seminarians about pastoral work in conjunction with secular organizations, such as the Legion of Mary.
                   2.5 Priests should assist in the work of strengthening the faith both by encouragement and by providing resources for ministry.

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How to Cite
Poonphol , T., Sugiyo Pitoyo, S.J., R., & Prasootsaengchan, L. (2023). The Role of the Legion of Mary for Strengthening Virtue of Faith Toward Christian’s Life Case Study : The Archdiocese of Bangkok. Saengtham College Journal, 15(1), 170–195. retrieved from
Research Articles


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