Impact of Workplace Spirituality, Psychological Capital, and Perceived Organizational Support on Happiness at Work: The Mediating role of Work Engagement, Work-Life Balance, and Career Satisfaction, among Nurses in Bangkok.
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Happiness at work has been raised as an important topic for organizations, including health organizations. This study examined the psychological mechanisms involved in the Thai registered nurses’ happiness at work. The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of workplace spirituality, psychological capital, and perceived organizational support on happiness at work among Thai registered nurses in Bangkok, which is mediated by work engagement, work-life balance, and career satisfaction. The sample consisted of 400 registered nurses conveniently selected from 6 private hospitals in Bangkok. Valid and reliable questionnaires were used to measure the variables. The proposed causal relations among these variables were tested applying structural equation modeling. The results showed that the proposed model fits the data (X2 (df) = 18.42(4) NFI = 0.98 CFI = 0.99 GFI = 0.99). The effect of workplace spirituality, psychological capital, and perceived organizational support, on happiness at work were found to be mediated by work engagement, work-life balance, and career satisfaction. The finding provide insight into the significant psychological variables and their casual paths that lead to the Thai nurses’ happiness at work. The findings and its implications along with the study limitations are discussed in this paper.
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