The Outcome of Self Formation as A Dimension of The Formation of Lux Mundi Seminarians.
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The objectives of this study were to: 1) examine the self-formation of Lux Mundi seminarians with regard to the four formation dimensions; and 2) compare Lux Mundi seminarians’ self-formation with the results of the self-formation in the four dimensions of formation. The population of this study consisted of 87 Lux Mundi seminarians. Using simple random sampling, 21 of them were selected to participate as the respondents of this study. The data was collected using a mixed-methods research design. Semi-structured interviews and questionnaires were used as the research tools. The acquired data were analyzed using 1) content analysis, 2) Mean (m) and Standard Deviation (s) in descriptive statistics, and 3) T-test and One-way ANOVA in inferential statistics. The LSD method was used for pairwise comparison as differences were found in this study.
The results of the research revealed the following:
1. Self-formation of Lux Mundi seminarians with regard to the four dimensions of formation
The seminarians realize and appreciate the value of self-formation for their own growth, maturity, desired qualities, and attributes. They also understand the importance of living a life that imitates Christ with the help of God's grace and being steadfast in prayer and reflection. Integrating all four dimensions of the formation is vital. Furthermore, the seminarian himself is the best formator. Through self-formation, seminarians learn about themselves, become morally upright, mature in their faith, grow in faith in Jesus Christ and Mary, have the humility and courage to change, mature in their love, become conscientious, know how to use true freedom, and intend to live a celibate, selfless, devoted life. They are also able to apply what they have learned through self-formation to their lives as seminarians, including how to teach catechism and beliefs with courage and confidence, leave oneself with freedom for the purpose of self-improvement, and consider having an honest conscience and a good conscience for others. The majority of the constraints or obstacles the seminarians faced in their self-formation were caused by mental apathy, laziness, a lack of discipline, a lack of patience, and a lack of making priorities in life.
2. Comparing Lux Mundi seminarians’ self-formation and the outcomes of self-formation in the four dimensions of formation.
2.1 The Seminarians have the highest level of overall self-formation (μ= 4.56, σ= 0.369) when compared to the overall results of self-formation (μ=4.28, σ=0.419).
2.2 The overall self-formation and its overall results do not differ among the seminarians from different subject groups. When each dimension is considered, it is discovered that seminarians from various subject groups have self-formation in the pastoral dimension. The difference is statistically significant at the 0.05 level.
2.3 There are no differences in the overall self-formation and the results of self-formation among the seminarians in the various classes. It is discovered that the seminarians from various classes exhibit self-formation in the pastoral and human dimensions when each dimension is taken into account. The difference is statistically significant at the 0.05 level.
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