Set and Costume Design in Xi You Ji : The Battle of The Spider Queen

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Pattrasil Sugansil


This academic article is part of a study on stage design and costume design for a cross-cultural creative research by Krilas Chitkul and team, The Xi You Ji: The Battle of the Spider Queen. The creative concepts were as follows: 1) Incorporating Buddhist symbols embedded in the Xi You Ji literature into the stage and costume designs, and 2) Using Chinese artistic symbols and elements in designing the stage sets and costumes. The study found that the authors set the design direction by utilizing Buddhist symbols and Chinese arts and culture to create visual elements for a contemporary Thai theatrical performance.

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How to Cite
Sugansil, P. (2024). Set and Costume Design in Xi You Ji : The Battle of The Spider Queen. Humanities and Social Sciences Journal, Chiang Mai Rajabhat University, 6(1), 72–89. Retrieved from
Academic Articles


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