Lamentation about “Her” by Prince Thammathibet and His Majesty the King Buddhatertlar as Presented in Kaap He Rua

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natawut klaisuwan


This academic article aims to study the lamentation about women by Prince Thammathibet and King Buddhaterlar Napalai as presented in kap he ruea with an emphasis on showing both common and unique characteristics of their lamentation. The study found eight common characteristics used by the two poets in their kap he ruea. They are as follows: 1) The poets lament about women using the same poetic form, 2) They lament about women by showing the suffering from being separated from them, 3) They lament about women by referring to literary characters, 4) They lament about women, praising them as being so beautiful that no woman can compare with them, 5) They lament about women by relating emotions and feelings to nature and the environment to express thoughts and feelings, 6) They lament about women by citing shared experiences, 7) They lament about women by describing the bodies of their loved ones, and 8) they laments about women, using days, months, and years as a medium to express their thoughts. In terms of unique characteristics, it was found that, in the Kap He Rua Phra Niphon, Prince Thammathibet uses the characters in literature, Garuda and Khaki, in the story, which reflects his personal life. For His Majesty the King Buddhaloetlanapalai’s work, the poet talks about Islamic tradition which reflects the society in which the poet lives.

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How to Cite
klaisuwan, natawut. (2024). Lamentation about “Her” by Prince Thammathibet and His Majesty the King Buddhatertlar as Presented in Kaap He Rua. Humanities and Social Sciences Journal, Chiang Mai Rajabhat University, 6(1). Retrieved from
Academic Articles


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