Chinese Journal of Social Science and Management ISSN 2586-8535 (Online)

          Chinese Journal of Social Science and Management has been published on a continuous basis since B.E. 2560 (A.D. 2017). It has been certified by the Thai Journal Citation Index Centre (TCI) as being in the Second Group of Journals in Humanities and Social Sciences. To publish and disseminate academic articles in humanities and social sciences including those in the fields of Scope of General Business, Finance and Accounting, Marketing Management, Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management, Strategic Management, and other fields such as Education for academics, researchers, instructors, student, and the general public.



            Due to the Committee of Civil Servants in Higher Education Institutions’ Fourth Announcement on the Criteria and Methods of Consideration for the Persons to Be Appointed as Assistant Professors, Associate Professors, and Professors (B.E. 2564), Item 2 that stipulates that “The academic work outcomes must have been published in quality academic journals after having passed the double-blinded peer reviews from at least three outside experts from various higher education institutions;

            In order to comply with the above announcement, Panyapiwat Journal would like to inform about the change in its operation as follows:

           In order for the received manuscript to be published, it must have passed the double-blind peer reviews by at least three experts in the relevant discipline from various institutions, the details of which are shown in the Editorial Board Policy. This announcement is effective on October 1, 2021



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Publication of Panyapiwat Institute of Management’s Journals


- Journal of Health and Food Creation(New Journal)

Journal in Nursing and food science and technology

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- Panyapiwat Journal 

Journals in Humanities and Social Sciences Indexed in the Thai-Journal Citation Index (TCI 1)

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 - International Scientific Journal of Engineering and Technology (ISJET) 

Journal in Science and Technology Indexed in the Thai-Journal Citation Index (TCI 2)

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  Journal of ASEAN PLUS+ Studies

Journals in Humanities and Social Sciences 

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Vol. 8 No. 2 (2024): July-December 2024

Dear Esteemed readers,

It is with great pride and anticipation that we present to you the latest issue of the Chinese Journal of Social Science and Management. Each issue symbolizes our efforts to integrate social sciences with scientific research, and this issue is no exception.

In today’s rapidly evolving world, characterized by constant disruption, the intersection of social sciences, management and scientific innovation has become more important than ever. Our journal is dedicated to providing a platform for researchers, educators, and practitioners from different fields to promote a deeper understanding of complex social issues. The articles in this issue cover a wide range of fields, including organizational behavior, knowledge management, financial management, entrepreneurship, family business management, healthcare management, innovation management, talent management, corporate governance, strategic management, cultural studies, linguistics, language learning, and more. These studies demonstrate the depth and breadth of our academic community, offering valuable insights and potential solutions to contemporary challenges.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all the authors, reviewers, and the editorial team, whose hard work has ensured the high quality and academic integrity of the journal. We are honored to contribute to advancing cutting-edge research and promoting a global scholarly community.

Thank you for your continued support of the Chinese Journal of Social Science and Management. We look forward to your feedback and participation as we explore the frontiers of social sciences and scientific research together.

Published: 2024-12-22

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