The Development of Coaching Model to Enhance the Creative Thinking for Undergraduate Students
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This research was conducted to develop, test the efficiency and determine the effectiveness of the model of coaching to enhance the creative thinking. The sample group was consisted a total of the one hundred and forty-four students of “values and attributes of teachers” class. The sample group, used to for determine the effectiveness of the model of coaching with a total of thirty persons. The data was analyzed by determining percentage, mean and standard deviation. The pre-test and post-test learning outcomes were compared by a determining t-test for the dependent samples. The research findings can be summarized as follows: 1. the model of coaching to enhance the creative thinking is FEED Coaching Model consisting of two elements including 1. Coaching (First Connect, Explain, Explore and Drive Action) and 2. Creative thinking (Accept, Analyze, Ideate, Select, Implement and Evaluation) 2. According to the findings, the efficiency of the model of coaching to enhance the creative thinking was 84.77/85.37, which was higher than the standard criteria of 80/80. 3. The findings on the effectiveness of the model of coaching to enhance the creative thinking were as follows: 3.1) The student who studied with the model of coaching to enhance the creative thinking were found to be higher than the pre-test score with a statistical significance of .05 (p<.05) with post-test score. and 3.2) The student who studied with the model of coaching to enhance the creative thinking had a high level of satisfaction (X= 4.21)
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