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This article reports on a literature review part of a larger research project which was an attempt to examine Thai sci-tech undergraduates' perceptions about their English speaking skill development after taking an English speaking course at a university in Bangkok, Thailand. This sub-study is a library-based descriptive review the materials for which have been retrieved from different Internet sources, including public search engines and library databases. It aims to specify theoretical and practical elements for teaching and learning the English oral skills among the students in the said larger study. Mostly, the article focuses on answering questions about elements of teaching oral skills such as definitions of speaking skills, speakers and their communicative competence, methods for teaching speaking skills, key aspects of the teaching and learning process for oral skill development, and current trends in speaking skill teaching. The data obtained provide valuable insight into what should be incorporated into the English speaking course in the research setting where the researcher’s larger research took place. This is for the enhancement of its EFL learners’ oral skill development.
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